PCVITA EDB converter is equipped with latest features that alleviate Exchange user lives. Now on don’t worry if Exchange server goes down or happens to crash as Exchange EDB conversion process of PCVITA EDB converter can restore EDB file items. EDB to Outlook PST converter retain folder hierarchy of all EDB folders & sub-folders. PCVITA EDB converter can also regain deleted items from EDB file and easily convert EDB to PST. Perform .EDB file conversion of emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, journals and lists easily using PCVITA EDB converter. Retain all mailbox items during .EDB file conversion with corresponding information. Perform selection bulk conversion i.e. group EDB conversion with all attachments and email header properties. Download free version of PCVITA EDB converter that preview EDB file data completely. Whereas buy full version only at $199. So, start the process to convert EDB to PST very smoothly.
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